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Members' Jaunts

A selection of trips made and events attended by our members

The copyright of all images remains with the author

Dave and Chris go to Bradgate Park, Oct 2024

Dave and Chris had an early start on Sunday Oct 12th 2024, visiting Bradgate Park in Leicestershire for the Red and Fallow Deer rutting season.

The intrepid adventurers were not rewarded with good weather but had a fantastic time anyway. As Dave regularly visits the site, they decided to target a herd he’d worked with successfully last year. Approaching the proud stag and his hinds at oblique angles in stages. Pausing at each stage for several minutes, ensuring the deer stayed calm and accepted their presence before taking the next leg toward their subjects.

Dave used the expedition as a fine excuse to fall off his diet and scoffed two gigantic slabs of carrot cake for lunch.

Some of their fave shots from the day below. They’ll be visiting again next October, so if you fancy a trip…….

Dave Hunt

Dave Hunt

Dave Hunt

Chris Harrison

Chris Harrison

Chris Harrison

Chris Harrison

Dave Hunt

Dave Hunt

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